The Labor Center maintains a Labor Advisory Committee of labor leaders from across Iowa and the Midwest.  This Committee promotes ongoing dialogue between the university and the labor movement, offers guidance on keeping Labor Center education programs responsive to the interests of working people in Iowa, and promotes broader worker participation in UI educational programs. 
Members of the Labor Advisory Committee meet with Labor Center staff and UI College of Law representatives at least twice a year to review Labor Center activities, to evaluate proposals for course offerings and teaching innovations developed by Labor Center instructors, and to suggest and discuss relevant research projects.

Jesse Case
Secretary-Treasurer, IBT Local 238

Herb Copley
President, Iowa State Assoc. of Letter Carriers (NALC)

Todd Copley
President, AFSCME Council 61

Greg Cross 
International Representative, UE

J.D. Fitch
Business Manager/Secretary-Treasurer, IUPAT District Council 81

Bill Gerhard
Business Development Coordinator, Iowa LECET

Pam Gonzales
Directing Business Representative, IAM&AW District 6

Dan Gosa
President, Great River Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO

Roger Grobstich
International Representative, RWDSU

Ryan Hanghian
President, Iowa Professional Fire Fighters

Jeff Hartford 
Asst. to the Director, Dist. 11, USW

Peter Hird
Secretary-Treasurer, Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO

Ruark Hotopp
National Vice President, AFGE 8th District

Kim Karol
President, Iowa Postal Workers Union (APWU)

Simplice Kuelo 
President, UFCW Local 431

Junior Luensman
President, IBEW State Conference

Coy Marquardt
Executive Director, ISEA

Christopher Martin
President, United Faculty-AAUP

Paula Martinez 
President, South Central Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO

Rick Moyle
Executive Director, Hawkeye Area Labor Council, AFL-CIO

Jen Pellant
President, Western Iowa Labor Federation, AFL-CIO

Andy Roberts
Business Manager, UA Local 33 and President, Iowa State Building & Construction Trades Cncl

Ken Sagar
President, Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans

Brad Schwanda
International Representative and Region 4 Education Coordinator, UAW

Ayman Sharif
Executive Director, Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa

Barb Stanerson 
Vice President, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa

Tom Townsend 
President, Dubuque Fed. of Labor and Dubuque Building Trades Council

Lorri Walker
President, USW Local 444L

Bonnie Winther
International Representative, CWA

Charlie Wishman
President, Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO

Kevin Washburn (ex officio member)
N. Wiliam Hines Dean and Professor of Law, Univ. of Iowa College of Law

César Rosado Marzán (ex officio member)
Edward L. Carmody Professor of Law, Univ. of Iowa College of Law